Caribbean and Media

Media is part of our everyday lives however through the advancement of technology the distance between the media and the masses have be emerged a step closer. Media houses have now expanded there reach to their audiences through capitalizing on social media platform traffic to push their content and its relevance. Currently, audiences are not just passive recievers but are able to engage with the news content. This is evident when a facebook user shares his or her input by commenting on a news article. Also emerging from is the oppurtunity for dialouge and therefore the presense of co-presense is made possbile.

Before this tech savvy millinenial age, when a reader picked up a Sunday news paper to read a column there was distance between the writer and the reader or audience, now that columist can see the feedback or approval or disapproval via the use of the aformentioned social media platforms.

Media is an influential force in society, it shapes mindsets and reinforces various agendas and ideologies through its content. Those dominant sources in society who contruct messages for the masses most times control the type of content as well.

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