Fundamental Approaches to Communication Theory

 Here are five standards which qualify a scientific theory as ‘GOOD’Image result for complex

1 Elaborates Data           (|)  Brings clarity to situations deemed as distrubing. A                                                             good Objective theory simplifies matters in jumbled                                                             situations by exlaining the cause and desolveing the                                                             chaos.

2 foresees events            (|)  Scientific theories predict potiential events                                                                             What is seen, heard and felt by us aids our predictive                                                          judgements. Generalized references are made about                                                            people rather than specific ones, this is termed, ‘Soft                                                            Predictive power.’

3 Embraces Simplicity   (|) Presents data in its simplest form. This is in keeping                                                             with the ‘Occam’s Razor’ scientific principle as                                                                       implied from  the word ‘razor’ which removes                                                                       unwanted hair,  applying this principle to scientific                                                               theories should evoke the same process of removing                                                             the unwanted, whether it be in the form of excess                                                                 assumptions, concepts or variables.

4 Testable hypotheses    (|) It can be tested by others to see if it produces the said                                                         result stated. This is testablity is edvidence of a strong                                                         theory.

5 Practical Utility             (|) The theory can be applied in real life and is                                                                        meaningful to society

        * Note an Objective theory is interchangable  the same as a scientific one.

 Here are five standards which qualify a Interpretive theory as ‘GOOD’

1  Understanding of people     (|)  The discovery of deeper meaning

2  Clarifies values                      (|) Respect for confidentiality for those involved

3  Visual Appeal                         (|) No restrictions to expression, the theorist can be                                                                    as creative as they choose to be in presenting their                                                                ideas. Hence, this artistic aspect is the heart of the                                                                interpretive theory.

4  Community of agreement   (|) The theory is backed and approved by those in                                                                      the research community, the researchers                                                                                fellow scholars.

5  Reform of society                   (|) It’s ablity to bring about change.







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