Social Judgement Theory of Communication

  "Your attitude determines your altitude"  As it relates to the Social judgement theory, your attitude in fact can determine how receptive you are of new ideas you come into contact with as you engage in discourse with other speakers.   Sherif's Latitude of Attitude Scale   |    Acceptance    |  thumbs up  A range … Continue reading Social Judgement Theory of Communication

Semiotic Tradition

If you take a close look at how people create and assign meaning to signs pertaining to certain life events such as communication processes you would be journeying into the field of Semiotics. This is where meaning, interpretation and context all go on a playdate, there's no limitation or one-dimensional meaning to be drawn from … Continue reading Semiotic Tradition

The Socio-psychological Tradition

  Human-beings are social-beings simply because communication is vital to our existence. As an individual you are composed of unique elements which shape who you are The psychological tradition is a scientific perspective which examines the psychological qualities an individual possess. It takes into count the feelings, thoughts and mental being of the individual and links it to the ways of communication that … Continue reading The Socio-psychological Tradition